Refund Policy

1. Company and or its Affiliates (as the case may be) are only a facilitator on behalf of Developer/ Company (“Principal”) acquiring the Concerned Property (“Proposed Transaction”).

2. The investment in relation to the Proposed Opportunity shall be contingent on receipt of such number of EOI confirmations as required for funding the Proposed Transaction.
In the event: (a) you fail to provide the Investment Amount for any reason whatsoever, or (b) fails to execute the documents in relation to the Proposed Opportunity, or (c) if the Principal is unable to raise the relevant funds for the Proposed Transaction, or (d) if the Company and/or its Affiliates or Principal rejects your Investment Amount due to concerns in your KYC report; then the Company will refund the entire Token Amount back to you without any deductions.

3. Once the Company refunds the Token Amount, as applicable, you agree that the Company, its Affiliates, and the Principal shall have no further liabilities towards you & you shall have no claim or right in the Principal or the Proposed Opportunity, Concerned Property or the Proposed Transaction.

4. There will not be any deductions from your Token Amount under any circumstances and the Token Amount will not be reduced for any fees, penalties, or any other costs or expenses.

5. You confirm that the Token Amount and/or the Investment Amount provided to the Company or the Principal, will always be from Indian bank accounts/ non-resident ordinary account (in Indian Rupees) and not in foreign currencies.

6. By virtue of this EOI, you are only expressing your interest to know more about the Proposed Opportunity. The Token Amount transferred along with the EOI is entirely refundable in the event you are not satisfied of the legal, ownership structure of the Proposed Opportunity or if your uncomfortable with the risk factors associated with the Proposed Opportunity.